Experimenting With Atmospheric Depth

When working on a design it is easy to overlook certain aspects and rules that would enhance the quality of the aesthetics if followed. These are simple things such as the rule of thirds and getting the right balance in an image, whether that be using scale, contrast or brightness.


One design approach that always gets overlooked is atmospheric depth. Therefore I decided to create a couple of images considering depth and the balance of framing.


The main focus in this image is the man and the castle on the tower and so these two items were placed on the part where the two lines intersect as this is where the eye is most drawn to in an image. As the mountain is a larger scale than the man, the man is in a darker to balance out the two things. The Mountain is also a lighter shade as it is supposedly further away into the distance.


Another landscape I created was of a cityscape. This was done using the same principles as the previous one. How this time I included a bridge running through the different layers of depth. I managed to achieve this by putting a gradient effect on it so it looks as if it is going off into the distance.


Choosing the Right Project

After narrowing down the options, I was left with a small collection of choices I had to decide between. therefore I decided to weigh out the good and bad aspects of each option.



  • Already have some basic research and a clear idea of how this idea can develop.
  • There are not many things targeting this issue  and so it would be a unique project.
  • After some research it appears that materialism is a subject that needs needs to be addressed.
  • The public are not aware of the effect of this problem and so I would feel like mine would contribute a lot to society.


  • There is not much information on the matter.
  • The goal set out is rather optimistic.



  • I would have the opportunity to make anything I would want to as it would only need to serve the purpose of entertain people.
  • Allow me to do something highly creative and innovative.


  • Would have difficulty deciding on what I would create.
  • Does not contribute in solving an important issue in society.

Healthy Lifestyle


  • It is a major issue that needs addressing.
  • There is a lot of research material and studies on the matter.


  • There are already many campaigns addressing this situation, therefore mine would not contribute much to the cause.

Popular Talked About Issues on Twitter


  • It would be a subject addressing thing people are concerned about and so would be more inclined to look at my attempt to help solve the problem at hand.


  • They are issues people are already aware they need changing.

Overall I feel that Materialism would be the best option for me to work on as it has the most pros in correlation with the cons.